We are Nutrition Link, the professional Dietitian and Foodservice company, providing expert RDs for your every need.
Food Management Services
Pinnacle Dietary can transform your dietary department into a dining service provider by employing the qualified food service director, assistant food service director and dietitians.
Senior Dining Operations
Pinnacle Dietary employs all dietary employees on our own payroll. All positions such as chefs, cooks, line personnel, dietary aides and utility workers are part of the Pinnacle Team.
Ethnic Fusion Program
Our Ethnic/Multicultural Menus including Asian, Hispanic, Indian and Kosher reflect our philosophy and practice to provide optimal nutritional care and quality food services to the population we serve.
Puree Appeal
Pinnacle Dietary has developed an innovative program called Puree Appeal, that takes the portioned puree food servings and molds them into the shape of the foods that they are supposed to resemble.