At Pinnacle, we all do a good job at making the food we serve our residents taste good. Most of us also do a very good job making that same food look good. After all, everyone eats with their eyes, and if your food is presented well, it will taste even better.
There is a third component to food that is one of my favorites: Good Service. This is the piece that separates truly great food establishments from simply good ones. Have you ever experienced dining out, where the food was pretty good, the prices were reasonable, but the service was not good? This is usually enough to keep us from wanting to return. On the other hand, if the food is average, but if the service is impeccable, we will want to return time and time again. Even though our “customers” are a captive audience, we should strive to make them look forward to their next meal, by providing impeccable service.
Good service is a combination of communication and attention to your customer’s needs. Getting to know your residents is the best way to understand the culture in your community, and the individuals. When you do find these preferences, make sure that information is imputed immediately so that they can enjoy those preferences right away. Be prompt, be friendly, be available, be exceptional.
It’s always a good idea to be visible during meal times, for two reasons. The residents will associate you with their food because that’s when they’ll see you, plus you may have the opportunity to correct problems with an individual’s meal right away, rather than hear about it in a meeting three weeks later.
Don’t forget about Lateral Service. The other department heads and their team members are your customers as well, because you provide services to them, even if you don’t participate in an employee meal program. Each time you answer a phone call from another department, do so with a smile in your voice. The person calling the kitchen needs something and is looking for your prompt response. Don’t make them wait. Strive to correct issues with the meal as quickly as possible, and do so graciously. You’ll find the other staff members will start responding to you with similar graciousness.
Finally, don’t be afraid to incorporate technology. Most of us have smartphones, and some have the luxury of tablets as well. Save a shortcut to MealTracker® on your phone so you can look up information on a resident, or even put in preferences on the go. It’s fast, easy and you won’t have to remember to do it when you get back to your desk. Exceptional service is the earmark of a true professional. Even though some may think it is challenging to be “on stage” all the time, as leaders…we have to be. Impeccable service will be the quality you, your team and Pinnacle Dietary will be known for.